You can see details of the national curriculum for computing here.
At St. Anne’s, we strive for all of our children to be safe and responsible digital citizens. We want them to be digital communicators who have the ability to engage with and utilise key technologies in their learning.
Our computing curriculum is based on building knowledge and skills incrementally each year, to ensure all learners are safe online, have an understanding of the digital world and are prepared for life in a digitised society. Alongside our curriculum offering, we are committed to supporting the learning of key skills including fundamental procedures using presentation programmes, data and creative software, touch typing and effective research skills using the Internet.

To deliver the computing curriculum, we use Kapow. In this progressive scheme, children learn how computers and computer systems work; they design and build programs, develop their ideas using technology and create a range of content.
All classes have weekly lessons in our Computing Suite. In addition, children access technology throughout the day to support their learning e.g. iPads.
In EYFS, the children begin to recognise how a range of technology is used in places such as homes and school and use technology for different purposes. Children learn to log in and then log out at the end of a computer session and begin to recognise and identify familiar letters and numbers on a keyboard.
In Key Stage 1, the children learn what algorithms are and how they work and create and debug simple programs. They develop logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs and use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Children also learn the importance of using technology safely and respectfully.

In Key Stage 2, the children learn to design, write and debug programs. They also learn to collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information and apply these skills across the curriculum. As part of our E-safety curriculum, lessons focus on using technology safely and responsibly. The children also learn to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
Using computing across the curriculum
Other computing resources used across the curriculum include:
- Google Maps
- Search engines
- Cameras/tablets to record PE sequences
- Spelling Shed, linked to the spellings being taught in school
- Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics and Rising Stars Digital Books
Using computing to support home learning
Children regularly use Google Classroom to complete home learning. Teachers use the platform to upload home learning and children upload work in return for their teachers to view.
Please find below links to websites used to support home learning (you can also download these programmes as apps). You will need your child's username and passwords to log into these websites.
Keeping our children safe online
Kapow has a dedicated online safety unit for each year group in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. These address the challenges and risks children face growing up in an increasingly online world. This includes ensuring children have the knowledge and skills they need to make informed and safe choices online. Children also learn about online behaviours that may be potentially harmful. While the Internet is a great resource to support learning, we want the children to understand how to keep themselves safe.
It is the joint responsibility of school and home to support children in becoming responsible and safe digital citizens. This can be a challenge in a quick and ever-developing technological world. To follow monthly developments in online safety issues please check out #Ditto - the online magazine from Education Consultant Alan Mackenzie.
#Ditto is designed to keep you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, with a view to enjoying and learning about technology. A new edition is released approx. every half term.
It is free to download!
Quotes from the children
Reuben (KS1 child)
We learnt how to play the bee-bot game and you had to go straight, left, right or backwards. If we crashed, we had to start again from the beginning. I got all the way to the seventh square before I crashed. I also enjoy going on Mathletics because it helps me with my maths. I really enjoy doing it at home.
Isla (KS2 child)
I love Scratch because you get to make your own creative projects. When you give it instructions (code), it does all sorts of different things and it’s funny to watch.
Ethan C (KS2 child)
Micro:bits are a cool gadget, because you can code it to what you want it to do. When I was tinkering, I found that you can code it to do Maths but I am still learning how to do this. You can also make your own pictures (icons) with the LEDs, which I really enjoyed.